Experiment name: Labrador Deep Convection Principal Investigator: F.Schott Affiliation: IFM Kiel Mooring name: K15 Mooring position: 57.102 deg N, 54.667 deg W Instrument depth: 3023 meters Seafloor depth: 3230 meters Times: 1200 19 Jul 1997 to 1400 08 Jul 1998 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.62 4.85 19.91 4.08 354.13 dir (deg true) 0.00 223.30 359.93 96.64 354.13 u (cm/sec) -16.12 0.03 18.85 4.28 354.13 v (cm/sec) -18.21 -1.48 18.12 4.43 354.13 w (cm/sec) -13.20 0.03 8.60 1.75 333.79 This instrument encountered speeds at or below the sensor's stall speed about 29% of the time. During these episodes the record has u = -0.5 cm/sec and v = 1.0 cm/sec.
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