Experiment name: GATE Principal Investigator: R.H.Weisberg Affiliation: URI/IFREMER Mooring name: D3 Mooring position: 0.000 deg N, 2.983 deg W Instrument depth: 1402 meters Seafloor depth: 5000 meters Times: 1700 24 Jan 1977 to 0900 16 Apr 1977 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: VACM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.00 4.45 25.21 3.59 81.71 dir (deg true) 0.00 173.19 359.10 140.14 81.71 u (cm/sec) -24.23 -1.62 8.00 3.44 81.71 v (cm/sec) -5.51 2.38 22.14 3.55 81.71 Approximately 18.2% of the speeds were below the instrument's stall speed. u and v have been set to zero in these instances.
Move up one level.