Metadata from Accession 6182

Experiment name:        GATE
Principal Investigator: R.H.Weisberg
Affiliation:            URI/IFREMER
Mooring name:           D1
Mooring position:        0.033 deg S,   4.033 deg W
Instrument depth:       568  meters
Seafloor depth:         5060 meters
Times:                  0100 31 Jan 1977 to 0400 08 Jul 1977
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        VACM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00     8.22    28.29    5.10    158.17
dir (deg true)       0.00    89.01   359.29   79.11    158.17
u (cm/sec)         -12.87     5.39    23.20    5.25    158.17
v (cm/sec)         -21.01     2.01    27.45    5.74    158.17

Approximately 7.2% of the speeds were below the instrument's
stall speed. u and v have been set to zero in these instances.

Move up one level.