Metadata from Accession 7770

Experiment name:        FASINEX
Principal Investigator: R.A.Weller/K.Brink
Affiliation:            WHOI
Mooring name:           F8 (WHOI 848)
Mooring position:       27.978 deg N,  69.720 deg W
Instrument depth:       120  meters
Seafloor depth:         5481 meters
Times:                  0102 28 Jan 1986 to 0702 01 Mar 1986
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        VMCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.09    11.99    39.04    8.59     32.27
dir (deg true)       0.21   231.17   359.91  116.50     32.27
u (cm/sec)         -31.06    -4.93    19.67    8.94     32.27
v (cm/sec)         -34.80     6.47    31.08    8.47     32.27
temp (deg C)        20.39    22.35    23.59    0.69     32.27

Temperature ends 6 hours earlier than speed and direction.
(All series end about 106 days earlier than the other records
from this mooring.)

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