Experiment name: ESTOC Principal Investigator: T.J.Muller Affiliation: IFM-Kiel Mooring name: V367-3 Mooring position: 29.150 deg N, 15.667 deg W Instrument depth: 3550 meters Seafloor depth: 3616 meters Times: 0000 04 Jan 1997 to 2200 26 Sep 1997 Time increment: 120 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM8 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.55 1.94 9.18 1.58 266.00 dir (deg true) 0.00 166.69 359.99 123.80 266.00 u (cm/sec) -6.89 0.20 8.28 1.71 266.00 v (cm/sec) -6.96 0.08 7.07 1.82 266.00 temp (deg C) 2.64 2.69 2.74 0.02 266.00 salinity (psu) 34.82 34.92 35.03 0.03 266.00 About a third of the speeds were below the instrument's stall speed and have been set to 0.55 cm/sec (half the stall speed).
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