Experiment name: ESTOC Principal Investigator: T.J.Muller Affiliation: IFM-Kiel Mooring name: V367-1 Mooring position: 29.168 deg N, 15.671 deg W Instrument depth: 270 meters Seafloor depth: 3620 meters Times: 0000 22 Sep 1994 to 2200 15 Sep 1995 Time increment: 120 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM8 parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.55 7.19 24.89 4.87 359.00 dir (deg true) 0.00 140.86 359.98 99.94 359.00 u (cm/sec) -22.21 2.53 21.40 5.82 359.00 v (cm/sec) -19.60 0.12 20.11 5.93 359.00 temp (deg C) 13.97 14.93 15.98 0.46 359.00 pressure (db) 303.90 335.93 346.30 12.94 359.00 Speeds were below the instrument's stall speed for most of the second half of October 1994.
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