Experiment name: Deep Water Dump Site 106 Principal Investigator: B.Butman/M.Bothner Affiliation: EPA Mooring name: A Mooring position: 38.870 deg N, 72.493 deg W Instrument depth: 1772 meters Seafloor depth: 2006 meters Times: 1900 17 Nov 1990 to 0000 17 Jun 1991 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM parameter min mean max stddev days speed (cm/sec) 0.26 4.26 14.47 2.45 211.25 dir (deg true) 0.66 212.64 359.61 72.41 211.25 u (cm/sec) -12.91 -2.66 5.76 3.31 211.25 v (cm/sec) -7.91 -1.45 5.50 2.00 211.25 temp (deg C) 3.82 3.95 4.12 0.05 211.25 salinity (ppt) 31.58 31.72 31.82 0.04 211.25 Temperature and salinity contain a number of episodes during which both variables are constant. The longest episode, about a day and a half in length, is during 21/22/23 Dec 1990. Are these interpolations?
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