Metadata from Accession 674

Experiment name:        CONSLEX
Principal Investigator: not available
PI's affiliation:       Scottish Mar Bio Assn
Mooring Name:           not available
Mooring position:       57.293 deg N,   10.337 deg W
Instrument depth:       534 meters
Seafloor depth:         2201 meters
Times:                  starts 29 Apr 1982, ends 10 Nov 1982
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.00    16.96    42.80     6.89    195.3
dir (deg true)      0.00   180.95   359.05   107.03    195.3
u (cm/sec)        -30.82    -0.17    37.89    14.19    195.3
v (cm/sec)        -29.30     2.02    40.22    11.38    195.3
temp (deg C)        8.53     9.14     9.75     0.25    195.3
pressure (db)     555.20   583.16   719.10    18.33    195.3

BODC has provided the following cautionary note: The pressure
measurements are only suitable for relative depth confirmation
and for evaluation of the motion of the mooring system. The
pressure record shows that the rig suffered knockdown on occasions
throughout the deployment; the most severe displacement of
this meter was of the order of 140m and occured on 25 May

This record was made with an Aanderaa current meter. The 
nominal speed threshhold of this meter is 1.5 cm/sec, and a
common practice is to set below-threshhold speeds either to
the threshhold value or to half the threshhold. In this case,
however, below-threshhold speeds were set to zero by the 
originating PI, as were concurrent directions. In processing
historical data CMDAC normally resets below-threshhold 
Aanderaa speeds to half the threshhold, but has not done so 
in this case because the direction information has been lost.

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