Experiment name: Iceland-Faroe Ov (ACM8) Principal Investigator: P.Saunders PI's affiliation: Inst. Oceanog. Sci. (UK) Mooring Name: 506 (F) Mooring position: 62.063 deg N, 16.055 deg W Instrument depth: 2225 meters Seafloor depth: 2235 meters Times: starts 15 Jul 1990, ends 10 Jul 1991 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM5 parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 3.04 13.77 34.46 5.30 349.8 dir (deg true) 0.34 184.39 359.98 103.35 360.4 U (cm/sec) -33.49 -0.35 30.19 11.31 349.8 V (cm/sec) -27.14 0.38 25.79 9.46 349.8 temp (deg C) 1.60 2.45 3.12 0.30 360.4 The first 11 days of the speed series were of poor quality and have not been included here. Direction is present throughout, however.
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