Metadata from Accession 2610

Experiment name:        ACM6
Principal Investigator: R.M.Hendry
PI's affiliation:       Bedford Inst Oc
Mooring Name:           1124
Mooring position:       42.717 deg N,   47.385 deg W
Instrument depth:       786 meters
Seafloor depth:         3894 meters
Times:                  starts 02 Aug 1993, ends 30 Jun 1995
Time increment:         180 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.50    10.12   999.90    20.02    697.0
dir (deg true)      0.19   179.40   359.89   117.86    697.0
u (cm/sec)       -985.01    -0.34    46.23    20.17    697.0
v (cm/sec)       -171.91     2.72    57.03     9.44    697.0
temp (deg C)        3.37     4.62     6.87     0.53    697.0
pressure (db)     791.64   801.23  1281.63    28.48    697.0
salinity (psu)     34.84    34.98    35.15     0.04    697.0

Approximately 14% of the speeds were at or below the current
meter's threshold and have been set to the threshold value
(1.5 cm/sec). 

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