Metadata from Accession 994

Experiment name:        BEST (ACM4)
Principal Investigator: R.D.Pillsbury/A.L.Gordon
PI's affiliation:       OSU/LDEO
Mooring Name:           BEST 2
Mooring position:       30.281 deg S,   13.230 deg E
Instrument depth:       210 meters
Seafloor depth:         3127 meters
Times:                  starts 19 Jun 1992, ends 26 Oct 1993
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM-8

   parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      3.28    20.58    44.27     9.37     95.4
dir (deg true)      0.00   239.63   358.99    94.21    494.1
u (cm/sec)        -42.11   -11.86    24.13    14.47     95.4
v (cm/sec)        -27.86    -1.64    26.79    12.59     95.4
temp (deg C)       10.71    12.44    15.15     0.68    494.1
pressure (db)     210.49   213.49   246.07     3.75    494.1

Speed, u, and v contain the following gaps:

   lines  426 - 1126 (0800 07 Jul 92 - 1200 05 Aug 92)
   lines 1231 - 2074 (2100 09 Aug 92 - 0000 14 Aug 92)
   lines 2290 -  end (0000 23 Sep 92 - 1600 26 Oct 92)

Direction is present throughout, however.

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