Metadata from Accession 2652

Experiment name:        ACM29 (Labrador Sea)
Principal Investigator: J.Lazier, P.Rhines
PI's affiliation:       Bedford Inst Oc
Mooring Name:           1255
Mooring position:       56.725 deg N,   52.482 deg W
Instrument depth:       1750 meters
Seafloor depth:         3518 meters
Times:                  starts 25 May 1997, ends 04 Jun 1998
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

temp (deg C)        1.50     1.65     2.89     0.07    374.1

The mooring broke about 12 hours after installation, and lost
its upper buoyancy. This instrument, originally at a depth of
1750 m, is believed to have spent the remainder of the deployment
on or near the bottom. Only the temperature series was salvaged.
Temperatures after the incident are reasonable for a near-bottom
record. Seafloor depth at the mooring site was 3518 m.

You should be aware that for most of this record the temperatures
are to be regarded as characteristic of the seafloor, at 3518 m,
rather than the original depth.

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