Metadata from Accession 2640

Experiment name:        ACM29 (Labrador Sea)
Principal Investigator: J.Lazier, P.Rhines
PI's affiliation:       Bedford Inst Oc
Mooring Name:           1226
Mooring position:       56.744 deg N,   52.444 deg W
Instrument depth:       763 meters
Seafloor depth:         3513 meters
Times:                  starts 24 Oct 1996, ends 24 May 1997
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.10    15.63    47.60     8.31    212.2
dir (deg true)      0.13   193.02   359.81    74.34    212.2
u (cm/sec)        -30.13     0.35    46.98    12.92    212.2
v (cm/sec)        -33.84    -5.06    36.81    10.99    212.2
temp (deg C)        2.60     2.88     3.30     0.14    212.2
pressure (db)     668.31   680.27   841.89    15.11    212.2

The nominal depth given for this instrument, 763 m, is about
100 m greater than the depth one gets from the pressure record.

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