Metadata from Accession 2577

Experiment name:        ACM29 (Labrador Sea)
Principal Investigator: P.Rhines, J.Lazier
PI's affiliation:       Bedford Inst Oc
Mooring Name:           1194
Mooring position:       56.752 deg N,   52.456 deg W
Instrument depth:       102 meters
Seafloor depth:         3502 meters
Times:                  starts 13 Jun 1995, ends 21 May 1996
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.10    12.45    49.05     8.03    342.5
dir (deg true)      0.25   192.80   359.93   103.66    342.5
u (cm/sec)        -44.61    -1.46    40.27    11.46    342.5
v (cm/sec)        -36.34    -0.09    35.07     9.27    342.5
temp (deg C)        1.73     2.91     5.40     0.52    342.5
pressure (db)      85.59    97.61   434.90    34.46    342.5

From the pressure record, the rest depth (no blowover depth)
of the instrument was about 85 m. 

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