Experiment name: ACM29 (Labrador Sea) Principal Investigator: P.Rhines, J.Lazier PI's affiliation: Bedford Inst Oc Mooring Name: 1168 Mooring position: 56.753 deg N, 52.455 deg W Instrument depth: 110 meters Seafloor depth: 3510 meters Times: starts 29 May 1994, ends 13 Jun 1995 Time increment: 60 minutes Instrument type: RCM8 parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 1.10 11.03 38.30 6.60 301.6 dir (deg true) 0.08 206.60 359.83 91.24 301.6 u (cm/sec) -34.21 -2.24 26.58 8.61 301.6 v (cm/sec) -26.42 -1.64 37.57 9.14 301.6 temp (deg C) 2.04 2.92 3.85 0.31 380.4 pressure (db) 129.32 147.37 365.70 30.80 380.4 Speed and direction end approximately 79 days early, at line 7239 (1500 26 Mar 95). In cases where the speed was lower than the threshold, the instrument did not register a meaningful direction. The file provided to OSU contained null directions in these instances, which were 500 in number. In order to provide continuous time series we have replaced the null directions with linear interpolations. The pressure sensor went offscale in lines 7505 - 7550 (1700 6 Apr 95 - 1400 8 Apr 95).
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