Metadata from Accession 2304

Experiment name:        ACM24 (Deep Basin)
Principal Investigator: G.Weatherly
PI's affiliation:       FSU
Mooring Name:           Mooring 4
Mooring position:       18.558 deg S,   35.666 deg W
Instrument depth:       1800 meters
Seafloor depth:         4015 meters
Times:                  starts 30 Sep 1993, ends 27 Mar 1995
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        modified Geodyne 101

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.99    19.47    66.08    11.80    543.2
dir (deg true)      0.22   149.64   359.95    70.02    543.2
u (cm/sec)        -34.95     9.29    63.48    15.26    543.2
v (cm/sec)        -53.02    -6.56    37.16    12.49    543.2
temp (deg C)        3.33     3.80     4.07     0.10    543.2
pressure (db)    1901.60  1947.21  2337.40    62.21    543.2

The nominal depth of this current meter (the depth provided by
the PI) is 1800 m. However, the minimum pressure recorded by
the instrument, 1901.6 db, corresponds to a depth of about 1879
m. If this pressure is correct, the depths of some of the other
current meters on this mooring should be adjusted accordingly.

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