Metadata from Accession 6825

Experiment name:        Greenland Sea Project
Principal Investigator: K.Aagaard
Affiliation:            PMEL
Mooring name:           GSP-3
Mooring position:       73.829 deg N,   4.834 deg W
Instrument depth:       53   meters
Seafloor depth:         3570 meters
Times:                  1900 19 May 1989 to 0100 13 Jul 1990
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00     6.20    25.24    3.46    419.29
dir (deg true)       0.00   135.01   359.72   83.25    419.29
u (cm/sec)         -16.19     2.91    24.49    4.74    419.29
v (cm/sec)         -18.04    -1.28    22.74    4.22    419.29
temp (deg C)        -1.95    -0.91     0.73    0.72    419.29
pressure (db)      103.30   105.33   112.40    0.98    419.29
salinity (ppt)      33.08    34.80    35.06    0.11    419.29

The given depth of this record is 53 m. However, the minimum
recorded pressure is 103 db. This may indicate that this instrument
and perhaps all the others on the mooring sat about 50 m deeper
than the given depths.

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