Metadata from Accession 5529

Experiment name:        Hi Lat Dyn: LOM95
Principal Investigator: R.A.Woodgate
Affiliation:            U of Washington
Mooring name:           LM3
Mooring position:       80.320 deg N, 150.057 deg E
Instrument depth:       269  meters
Seafloor depth:         1699 meters
Times:                  1500 28 Aug 1995 to 1500 28 Aug 1996
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        RCM-8

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00     3.94    21.70    3.55    366.04
dir (deg true)       0.00   118.45   359.00   81.66    366.04
u (cm/sec)          -8.59     2.65    19.49    3.58    366.04
v (cm/sec)         -14.42     0.16    16.63    2.88    366.04
temp (deg C)         0.27     1.53     1.88    0.25    366.04
pressure (db)      270.70   272.13   290.30    1.61    366.04
cond (mmho/cm)      29.14    30.30    30.64    0.23    366.04
salinity (PSU)      34.60    34.76    34.84    0.03    366.04

Approximately 23.4% of the speeds were below the sensor's threshold
and have been set to zero.

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