Metadata from Accession 9771

Experiment name:        Fram Strait
Principal Investigator: G.Rohardt
Affiliation:            Alfred Wegener Inst.
Mooring name:           F14-3
Mooring position:       79.011 deg N,   6.820 deg W
Instrument depth:       276  meters
Seafloor depth:         286  meters
Times:                  2200 21 Sep 1999 to 0600 09 Aug 2000
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00     4.02    43.53    5.02    322.38
dir (deg true)       3.00   177.36   359.90  112.81      5.38
u (cm/sec)          -6.27     0.03     4.85    2.01      5.38
v (cm/sec)          -3.97     0.61     6.38    2.40      5.38
temp (deg C)        -0.97     0.49     1.44    0.35    322.38
salinity (psu)      34.33    34.67    34.97    0.12    322.38

u, v, and direction end early at line 129 (0600 27 Sep 1999)
 - just a little over 5 days into the record. Speed is present
throughout; however about 7.2% of the speeds were below the
instrument's threshold and are given as zero cm/sec.

Salinity has a gap in lines 5329 (2200 30 Apr 2000) through
6704 (0500 27 Jun 2000).

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