Metadata from Accession 5374

Experiment name:        Hi Lat Dyn: Beaufort Sea
Principal Investigator: K.Aagaard
Affiliation:            U of Washington
Mooring name:           AO1-90
Mooring position:       72.620 deg N, 143.568 deg W
Instrument depth:       173  meters
Seafloor depth:         3339 meters
Times:                  0300 04 Sep 1990 to 1800 15 Aug 1991
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00     6.54    35.10    7.85     59.92
dir (deg true)       0.00   229.39   360.00  101.98    335.71
u (cm/sec)         -33.57    -0.36    21.34    6.22     59.92
v (cm/sec)         -29.71    -2.53    17.46    7.70     59.92
temp (deg C)        -1.63    -1.51    -1.14    0.04    345.67

This record's speed, u, and v series end at line 1438 (0000 03 Nov 90).
Direction ends early at line 8057 (1900 05 Aug 91). Of the approximately
two months of speed that are present, about 36.4% were below the sensor's
threshold (1.6 cm/sec). We note that in the record that we received the
speed series was present for the entire record, but all of the speeds
beyond line 1438 were zero, which means either that the speed sensor had
failed at that point or those speeds too were below the sensor's threshold.
We have elected to delete the speeds beyond line 1438 but have kept all
zero speeds prior to that line.

Move up one level.