Metadata from Accession 5373

Experiment name:        Hi Lat Dyn: Beaufort Sea
Principal Investigator: K.Aagaard
Affiliation:            U of Washington
Mooring name:           AO1-90
Mooring position:       72.620 deg N, 143.568 deg W
Instrument depth:       102  meters
Seafloor depth:         3339 meters
Times:                  0400 04 Sep 1990 to 2300 23 Feb 1992
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.00     2.43    36.30    7.05    537.83
dir (deg true)       0.00   227.09   360.00  100.49    537.83
u (cm/sec)         -34.59    -1.03    20.21    5.11    537.83
v (cm/sec)         -36.03     0.10    32.74    5.32    537.83
temp (deg C)        -1.55    -1.40    -0.92    0.05    537.83
salinity (PSU)      32.30    32.64    32.90    0.08    537.83

Approximately 87.4% of this record's speeds were below the speed
sensor's threshold (1.6 cm/sec) and are carried as zero. In addition,
the record (as we found it) contained a number of speed wrap-arounds,
which we have fixed. A speed wrap-around occurs when the current is
high enough to push the speed sensor's rotation counter beyond its
maximum (1023) to 1024 or higher. 1024 registers as 0, 1025 as 1,
and so forth.

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