Metadata from Accession 5694

Experiment name:        AWI Arctic moorings
Principal Investigator: G.Rohardt
Affiliation:            Alfred Wegener Inst.
Mooring name:           AWI403-2
Mooring position:       74.998 deg N,   9.030 deg W
Instrument depth:       3304 meters
Seafloor depth:         3323 meters
Times:                  2300 20 Jun 1988 to 0900 04 Jul 1988
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.55     4.28     8.95    2.67      6.75
dir (deg true)      15.54   122.33   359.80  127.35      6.75
u (cm/sec)          -5.68     1.24     6.17    2.71      6.75
v (cm/sec)          -4.85     3.17     8.11    2.55      6.75
temp (deg C)        -1.05    -1.05    -1.04    0.00     13.46
salinity (psu)      37.31    37.60    37.90    0.15      6.71

This instrument failed shortly after installation. The
temperature series is about two weeks long; speed, direction,
and salinity end after less than one week. We include it
here for completeness.

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