Metadata from Accession 2050

Experiment name:        AWI Arctic moorings
Principal Investigator: G.Rohardt
Affiliation:            Alfred Wegener Inst.
Mooring name:           0260
Mooring position:       78.447 deg N,   4.122 deg W
Instrument depth:       1703 meters
Seafloor depth:         1793 meters
Times:                  1700 29 Jun 1988 to 0100 10 Mar 1989
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.55     9.80    57.10    7.24    253.38
dir (deg true)       0.33   181.89   359.38   61.18    253.38
u (cm/sec)         -24.59    -2.68    22.00    4.22    253.38
v (cm/sec)         -56.98    -7.14    28.06    8.51    253.38
temp (deg C)        -0.96    -0.58    -0.38    0.08    253.38

Approximately 14.7% of the speeds were below the rotor's threshold.
In these instances speed has been set to 0.55 cm/sec, which is half
the stall speed.

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