Current meter and MicroCat data from the Sea of Okhotsk
This site contains data from Aanderaa current meters, MicroCat
conductivity and temperature recorders, and a Sontek ADCP. These
instruments were deployed in Bussol Strait during 1998-2000 as part
of the Sea of Okhotsk experiment. You can view metadata and time
series plots here, and download the current meter and MicroCat
records. The records have the OSU Stranger format (an easy-to-read
ASCII representation) and have been zipped.
Please be aware that throughout this data report the depths given for
the instruments are intended, rather than actual, depths. The extreme
blowover experienced by both moorings makes it pointless to assign
fixed actual depths. The pressure records indicate, however, that
both moorings were placed approximately 10 to 20 m deeper than
If you download any of the files in this data report, please read the
note on file names and formats.
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