755 meters at Arlindo Mooring Makassar 2

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Metadata and Statistics

Experiment name:        Arlindo
Principal Investigator: A.Ffield/S.Garzoli/A.Gordon/R.D.Pillsbury       
PI's affiliation:       OSU                     
Mooring Name:           Makassar 2              
Mooring position:       2.854 deg S,  118.628 deg E
Instrument depth:       755 meters
Seafloor depth:         1611 meters
Times:                  starts 30 Nov 1996, ends 20 Feb 1998
Time increment:         20 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8           

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.93    17.08    81.76    11.03    447.0
dir (deg true)      1.15   205.07   359.42   110.49    447.0
u (cm/sec)        -40.30    -2.13    30.91     7.75    447.0
v (cm/sec)        -49.16     1.95    81.29    19.58    447.0
temp (deg C)        4.69     5.64     6.48     0.24    447.0

This instrument's compass experienced two episodes during which
it stuck near two values - 725 and 875 (these are raw compass
values in a range of 0 to 1023).  The first episode lies in lines
3029 - 3165 (0020 12 Jan 97 - 2140 13 Jan 97); this portion of
the direction series has been replaced by predictive interpolation.
The second direction failure occupies lines 4527 - 16754
(1940 1 Feb 97 - 1520 21 Jul 97) and has been deleted.

Speed is present throughout the record but has been corrected by
predictive interpolation in two short sections where the rotorcounter
failed.  These are in lines 14776 - 14844 (0400 24 Jun 97 -
0240 25 Jun 97) and 15541 - 15556 (1900 4 Jul 97 - 0000 5 Jul 97).