Experiment name: AnSlope 2004-05 Principal Investigator: A.L.Gordon/A.Orsi/R.D.Pillsbury Affiliation: LDEO/TAMU/OSU Mooring name: M-3 Mooring position: 72.019 deg S, 173.001 deg E Instrument depth 390 meters Seafloor depth: 691 meters Times: 2330 06 Mar 2004 to 0130 03 Feb 2005 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: SBE-37 MicroCat parameter min mean max stddev days temp (deg C) -1.83 0.64 1.28 0.41 333.10 pressure (db) 394.00 446.49 592.10 45.18 333.10 cond (mmho/cm) 27.31 29.56 30.11 0.36 333.10 The pressure record shows that the mooring moved deeper during the year, principally during mid-August 2004. The rest pressure, initially 394 db, was 398 db by 17 August and increased to 414 db on 19 August and 421 db by 26 August, where it remained for the rest of the experiment. |
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