Metadata from OSU Buoy Group Accession 4662

Experiment name:        AnSlope 2003-04
Principal Investigator: A.L.Gordon/A.Orsi/R.D.Pillsbury
PI's affiliation:       LDEO/TAMU/OSU
Mooring Name:           West A-1
Mooring position:       72.010 deg S,  172.826 deg E
Instrument depth:       520 meters
Seafloor depth:         609 meters
Times:                  starts 06 Mar 2003, ends 06 Mar 2003
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8s

This instrument flooded, probably during the initial descent to
depth, and stopped recording almost immediately. Here is the entire
in-situ portion of the record:

  hr dy mo yr   speed   dir      u       v     temp    press

 530  6  3 03   57.91  350.2   -9.82   57.07   0.302   527.8
 600  6  3 03   60.23  341.3  -19.32   57.05   0.326   527.8
 630  6  3 03   67.79  331.3  -32.57   59.45   0.213   527.8
 700  6  3 03   69.82  325.4  -39.61   57.50   0.050   527.8
 730  6  3 03   68.95  322.6  -41.85   54.79  -0.104   527.8
 800  6  3 03   72.14  315.6  -50.50   51.52  -0.144   527.8
 830  6  3 03   73.89  311.3  -55.52   48.75  -0.112   527.8

Move up one level.