Experiment name: AnSlope 2003-04 Principal Investigator: A.L.Gordon/A.Orsi/R.D.Pillsbury PI's affiliation: LDEO/TAMU/OSU Mooring Name: West A-1 Mooring position: 72.010 deg S, 172.826 deg E Instrument depth: 419 meters Seafloor depth: 609 meters Times: starts 06 Mar 2003, ends 26 Feb 2004 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM8s parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 0.92 39.20 65.75 17.47 357.7 dir (deg true) 215.70 278.85 335.35 23.77 357.7 u (cm/sec) -64.28 -36.73 -0.44 17.94 357.7 v (cm/sec) -20.45 7.85 51.76 10.47 357.7 temp (deg C) -1.90 0.60 1.22 0.50 357.7 pressure (db) 422.60 449.96 565.30 30.82 357.7 Directions were limited to a narrow range centered at about 280 degrees. Note the odd tripartite distribution of directions in the histogram below. At recovery the machine's clock was running 12 minutes 20 seconds slow. |
The axes of the PVD are labelled in kilometers. Boxes mark the beginning of each month.
Move up one level.