Experiment name: AnSlope 2003-04 Principal Investigator: A.L.Gordon/A.Orsi/R.D.Pillsbury PI's affiliation: LDEO/TAMU/OSU Mooring Name: Central C-1 Mooring position: 72.031 deg S, 173.093 deg E Instrument depth: 449 meters Seafloor depth: 651 meters Times: starts 03 Mar 2003, ends 27 Feb 2004 Time increment: 30 minutes Instrument type: Aanderaa RCM8s parameter min mean max sd days speed (cm/sec) 0.92 60.58 150.32 37.46 361.8 dir (deg true) 0.20 241.74 359.86 101.22 361.8 u (cm/sec) -135.68 -34.15 44.03 35.77 361.8 v (cm/sec) -86.42 21.89 134.93 46.36 361.8 temp (deg C) -1.86 0.62 1.21 0.39 361.8 pressure (db) 454.54 476.87 583.00 27.47 361.8 Pressures recorded by this instrument decreased by about 30 db during the course of the year. How much of this was caused by sensor drift and how much by line stretch is unknown. In the present version of the file this trend has been removed. |
The axes of the PVD are labelled in kilometers. Boxes mark the beginning of each month.
Move up one level.