Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2552

Experiment name:        SCM6 (ADOX)
Principal Investigator: R.Dickson
PI's affiliation:       CEFAS
Mooring Name:           9309
Mooring position:       48.198 deg S,   59.628 deg E
Instrument depth:       4320 meters
Seafloor depth:         4366 meters
Times:                  starts 05 Mar 1993, ends 07 Mar 1994
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.49    11.76    40.09     7.11    195.4
dir (deg true)      0.19   186.50   359.87   127.76    195.4
u (cm/sec)        -23.20     0.25    24.25     7.21    195.4
v (cm/sec)        -21.42     6.06    40.02    10.01    195.4
temp (deg C)       -0.07     0.02     0.42     0.09    367.0

CEFAS notes a problem with the speed sensor of this instrument:

   Many (21%) speeds are at threshold through the record,
   increasing in number as the record progresses. The logsheet
   comment "rotor condition on recovery - no end play" suggests
   a meter malfunction.

   A closer examination of the series suggests that a fault
   developed with the speed sensor during 17 September 1993
   and users are advised not to use flow data after 2330
   hrs 16 september ... the directions after this time are
   also suspect and should not be used.

For the reason described above, CMDAC has terminated speed and
direction at line 4690 (2330 16 Sep 93). 

Move up one level.