Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2436

Experiment name:        SCM3 (AUSSAF)
Principal Investigator: S.Rintoul
PI's affiliation:       CSIRO Marine Research
Mooring Name:           West
Mooring position:       50.553 deg S,  142.708 deg E
Instrument depth:       3200 meters
Seafloor depth:         3770 meters
Times:                  starts 16 Mar 1993, ends 21 Apr 1994
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.10     5.76    25.50     4.09    398.7
dir (deg true)      0.00   148.92   359.00    92.33    398.7
u (cm/sec)        -16.37     1.29    19.09     4.50    398.7
v (cm/sec)        -25.50    -0.59    16.76     5.26    398.7
temp (deg C)        1.02     1.32     1.51     0.12    401.9
pressure (db)    3043.80  3111.49  3332.00    51.67    401.9

Speed and direction begin about 3 days later than temperature
and pressure in this file. The first good speed and direction
are at line 39 (0600 19 Mar 93). 

Pressure values at the beginning of the record correspond to
a depth of about 3280 m, but drift to significantly shallower
values later in the record. This appears to be due to sensor
drift, and these pressures should not be used uncritically. 

Move up one level.