Metadata from CMDAC Accession 4294

Experiment name:        SCM2
Principal Investigator: E.Fahrbach
PI's affiliation:       Alfred Wegener Inst.
Mooring Name:           AWI233-3
Mooring position:       69.398 deg S,    0.011 deg W
Instrument depth:       1954 meters
Seafloor depth:         2850 meters
Times:                  starts 29 Apr 1998, ends 19 Jan 1999
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Falmouth 3D-ACM

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.26     8.53    23.19     4.17    264.3
dir (deg true)      0.05   252.12   359.70    98.55    264.3
u (cm/sec)        -22.90    -5.37    12.95     5.37    264.3
v (cm/sec)        -13.11     3.40    20.02     4.56    264.3
w (cm/sec)         -4.44    -1.37     0.70     0.57    264.3
temp (deg C)       -0.04     0.06     0.18     0.03    264.3
pressure (db)    1953.50  1964.51  1971.90     6.85    264.3
salinity (psu)     34.66    34.67    34.67     0.00    264.3

The pressure record contains evidence that the mooring moved
to a location approximately 15 meters deeper on 31 Jul 98. A
similar anomaly is present in the pressure records from the other
instruments on this mooring. 

Move up one level.