Metadata from CMDAC Accession 1518

Experiment name:        Vitiaz Str Trnsp (PCM15)
Principal Investigator: S.Murray
PI's affiliation:       Louisiana State Univ.
Mooring Name:           M1
Mooring position:       6.150 deg S,  147.708 deg E
Instrument depth:       40 meters
Seafloor depth:         690 meters
Times:                  starts 27 Jul 1992, ends 15 Apr 1993
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Endeco 174

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)     60.29    87.53   171.13    15.27    262.0
dir (deg true)      0.53   310.57   354.76    20.71    262.0
u (cm/sec)       -133.60   -64.13    57.80    15.65    262.0
v (cm/sec)        -16.80    57.56   134.90    14.91    262.0

Although this instrument carried a pressure sensor, the data it
produced are not useful and have not been included here. We have
assigned this instrument a nominal depth of 40 m.

Move up one level.