Metadata from CMDAC Accession 1686

Experiment name:        ICM3
Principal Investigator: W.D.Nowlin/R.D.Pillsbury/B.Warren/T.Whitworth
PI's affiliation:       TAMU/OSU/WHOI/TAMU
Mooring Name:           Mooring 1
Mooring position:       20.000 deg S,   49.500 deg E
Instrument depth:       2383 meters
Seafloor depth:         3293 meters
Times:                  starts 01 Jun 1995, ends 16 Jan 1997
Time increment:         30 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8           

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.93     6.61    25.54     3.92    349.8
dir (deg true)      0.17   178.93   359.83    72.01    594.8
u (cm/sec)        -17.21    -0.44    15.36     3.71    349.8
v (cm/sec)        -23.14    -3.78    16.17     5.56    349.8
temp (deg C)        1.99     2.20     2.51     0.06    594.8
pressure (db)    2414.67  2414.91  2422.10     0.90    594.8

The speed series of this record ends early, on 16 May 96. Direction
is present throughout, however. 

Move up one level.