Metadata from CMDAC Accession 1451

Experiment name:        ACM8 (German component)
Principal Investigator: J.Meincke/E.Mittelstaedt                        
PI's affiliation:       B.S.H.Hamburg           
Mooring Name:           A1
Mooring position:       59.140 deg N,   34.030 deg W
Instrument depth:       876 meters
Seafloor depth:         2855 meters
Times:                  starts 08 Sep 1991, ends 05 Sep 1992
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.01     9.58    30.45     5.36    363.0
dir (deg true)      0.07   184.13   359.73   130.32    363.0
u (cm/sec)        -22.74    -0.51    24.89     6.85    363.0
v (cm/sec)        -16.46     4.74    26.98     7.13    363.0
temp (deg C)        3.27     3.60     4.08     0.13    363.0
pressure (db)     703.68   786.79   961.98    30.05    363.0
cond (mmho/cm)     23.82    32.36    35.92     0.20    363.0
salinity (psu)     24.81    34.77    38.98     0.18    363.0

The pressure series shows a few abrupt changes of depth that
might under other circumstances indicate that the mooring was
moved. However, these changes do not show up in the pressure
record of the meter above this one on the mooring, so probably
they indicate that the pressure sensor malfunctioned and that
the pressure series is not reliable. 

The conductivity (and the derived salinity) series show some
unrealistic spikes during the second day of operation. These
may be due to a sensor malfunction. 

Move up one level.