WOCE component SCM9 (SWINDEX)

Dates: April 1993 - January 1995
Location: Southwest Indian Ocean
Array: 5 moorings, 20 current records

All flow statistics shown here are record-length averages. The notation m( ) denotes a mean value. s, u, v, and t denote speed, eastward component, northward component, and temperature; these have cgs units. Primed quantities have had record-length means removed. Thus, for example, m(u) is the mean eastward component, and m(u'u') is the mean squared value of u - m(u). wd and md denote water depth and measurement depth, in meters; lth is the length of the longest time series in the record, in days. Entries are ordered by latitude. Missing values have been left blank.

 lat    lon   wd   md  lth m(s)  m(u)  m(v) m(t) m(u'u') m(v'v')   m(t't')    m(u'v')    m(u't')    m(v't')

-45.4   47.8 2864  330 434 21.8  -5.2  19.5  3.8   67.23   77.17  0.256E+00 -0.862E+00 -0.212E+00 -0.941E+00
-45.4   47.8 2864  533 270 19.4  -5.1  17.4  3.1   46.58   43.53  0.133E+00 -0.933E+00 -0.283E-01 -0.304E+00
-45.4   47.8 2864  634 655 21.0  -5.8  18.3  2.7   68.35   58.16  0.698E-01 -0.332E+01 -0.680E-01 -0.287E+00
-45.4   47.8 2864 1360 655 13.3  -1.3  12.5  2.5   17.96   20.28  0.217E-02  0.496E+00 -0.138E-01 -0.225E-01
-45.4   47.8 2864 2223 655 13.3  -2.9  12.2  2.0   17.60   30.03  0.779E-02 -0.291E+01 -0.137E-02  0.331E-01
-45.4   47.8 2864 2818 655 12.1  -4.2   9.7  1.4   25.14   57.99  0.145E-01 -0.175E+02  0.223E-01  0.871E-01

-44.7   45.7 1614  311 570 11.0  -3.5   2.0  4.5   71.16   61.01  0.833E-01 -0.907E+00 -0.556E-01  0.289E-01
-44.7   45.7 1614  612 657 11.0  -4.5   1.3  3.2   73.64   57.68  0.213E-01 -0.873E+00  0.163E+00 -0.903E-02
-44.7   45.7 1614 1529 109  6.8  -1.2   0.5  2.5   26.42   30.33  0.172E-03 -0.244E+01 -0.372E-02  0.985E-02

-44.6   41.3 2710  335 657  8.6  -0.9   0.5  4.5   51.80   42.45  0.443E-01 -0.205E+00  0.235E+00 -0.143E+00
-44.6   41.3 2710  638 657                   3.4                  0.156E-01                                 
-44.6   41.3 2710 1364 658  5.0  -2.7   0.3  2.6    9.86   13.47  0.546E-03  0.112E+01  0.797E-02 -0.113E-01

-43.4   36.1 4262  382  87  9.1   6.8   1.3  6.1   28.75   25.15  0.206E+00  0.295E+01  0.411E+00 -0.333E+00
-43.4   36.1 4262  683 657  7.7   4.7  -0.8  4.0   24.58   33.09  0.127E+00 -0.485E+01  0.196E+00 -0.202E+00
-43.4   36.1 4262 1391 657  5.1   1.4  -0.3  2.8   14.85   18.32  0.796E-02  0.680E+00  0.153E-01  0.219E-02
-43.4   36.1 4262 2661 657  4.5   0.4  -0.7  2.2   10.10   14.76  0.844E-03  0.134E+01 -0.452E-02 -0.680E-02
-43.4   36.1 4262 4174 657  7.3   0.7   2.7  0.7   28.94   34.31  0.268E-01  0.309E+01 -0.206E+00 -0.286E+00

-41.9   32.8 5900 1411  31  3.9   1.0   0.2  2.9    7.98    8.95  0.156E-02 -0.374E+00  0.344E-02  0.121E-02
-41.9   32.8 5900 2681 657  4.6   0.5   1.7  2.3   10.72   12.88  0.706E-03  0.817E+00 -0.195E-01  0.608E-02
-41.9   32.8 5900 5812 657 12.4   6.1  10.1  0.3   17.37   34.22  0.153E-03  0.143E+02 -0.617E-02 -0.150E-01

Move up one level.