Dates: March 1993 - March 1994
Location: Southern Ocean (Crozet Is. to Kerguelen Is.)
Array: 9 moorings, 29 current records

All flow statistics shown here are record-length averages. The notation m( ) denotes a mean value. s, u, v, and t denote speed, eastward component, northward component, and temperature; these have cgs units. Primed quantities have had record-length means removed. Thus, for example, m(u) is the mean eastward component, and m(u'u') is the mean squared value of u - m(u). wd and md denote water depth and measurement depth, in meters; lth is the length of the longest time series in the record, in days. Entries are ordered by latitude. Missing values have been left blank.

 lat    lon   wd   md  lth m(s)  m(u)  m(v) m(t) m(u'u') m(v'v')   m(t't')    m(u'v')    m(u't')    m(v't')

-48.6   61.5 3565 1890 369  5.4              2.0                  0.123E-02                                 
-48.6   61.5 3565 3519 369  7.5   0.7  -0.7  0.6   31.55   51.85  0.268E-02  0.253E+02 -0.387E-01 -0.333E-01

-48.2   59.6 4366 1628 367  6.6   1.0   1.1  2.1   25.55   29.39  0.106E-02  0.478E+01  0.420E-02  0.319E-01
-48.2   59.6 4366 2796 169  7.2  -0.8   4.2  1.1   17.19   32.79  0.279E-02  0.691E+01  0.168E-01 -0.739E-01
-48.2   59.6 4366 4320 367 11.8   0.2   6.1  0.0   51.92  100.27  0.814E-02 -0.211E+01 -0.198E+00 -0.441E+00

-48.0   58.6 4460 2047 177  5.5   1.6   2.0  1.9   19.08   15.21  0.255E-02  0.128E+00  0.574E-01 -0.461E-01
-48.0   58.6 4460 3887 366  4.9  -1.1   2.1  0.4   10.34   16.35  0.400E-02  0.176E+01 -0.132E-01 -0.664E-01
-48.0   58.6 4460 4414 366  7.5  -3.1   1.1  0.0   49.99   25.48  0.169E-02  0.477E+01  0.751E-01  0.680E-02

-47.8   58.0 4230  315 380 12.5   7.2  -2.9  3.0   64.86   72.50  0.533E-01 -0.124E+02  0.242E+00 -0.167E+00
-47.8   58.0 4230  616 380 11.0   6.0  -2.2  2.6   53.78   57.66  0.160E-01 -0.977E+01  0.129E+00 -0.214E-01
-47.8   58.0 4230 1335 380  7.5   2.6  -2.8  2.4   29.57   33.25  0.949E-03 -0.511E+01  0.268E-01 -0.100E-01
-47.8   58.0 4230 2063 380  5.7   1.2  -2.2  2.0   21.25   20.90  0.172E-02 -0.237E+01  0.412E-01  0.415E-02
-47.8   58.0 4230 2166 380  5.9   0.3  -2.3  1.8   21.26   19.98  0.198E-02 -0.115E+01  0.423E-01  0.758E-03
-47.8   58.0 4230 2852 380  5.4  -1.2  -2.3  1.2   14.60   17.74  0.278E-02  0.136E+01  0.525E-01  0.116E-01
-47.8   58.0 4230 3668 271  6.5  -2.4  -2.1  0.5   25.82   24.67  0.180E-02  0.842E+00  0.185E-01  0.152E-01

-47.6   56.8 4353 1673 363  5.2  -0.3  -1.0  2.2   11.32   22.76  0.125E-02  0.405E+01 -0.182E-01  0.254E-01
-47.6   56.8 4353 2726 315  5.9   0.3  -0.1  1.2   22.16   26.31  0.234E-02  0.535E+01 -0.177E-01  0.283E-01
-47.6   56.8 4353 3779  61  3.8   0.4   0.6  0.4   10.45   10.10  0.742E-03  0.110E+01  0.162E-01 -0.800E-02
-47.6   56.8 4353 4307 363  6.9  -1.4   0.8  0.0   39.51   31.11  0.838E-03  0.357E+01  0.196E-02  0.122E-01

-47.4   55.6 4110 2263 361  7.0   2.0   0.7  1.6   31.05   27.62  0.496E-02  0.515E+01 -0.214E-01  0.653E-01
-47.4   55.6 4110 3536 361  5.2   0.7   1.3  0.4   13.17   20.71  0.422E-02  0.227E+01 -0.166E-01 -0.501E-01
-47.4   55.6 4110 4064 361  7.3   1.4   1.8  0.0   24.60   41.80  0.197E-02  0.133E+01  0.846E-02 -0.402E-01

-47.0   54.1 3774 2144 359  7.7   1.0   1.2  1.8   35.57   36.83  0.426E-02 -0.360E+00  0.109E+00  0.113E-01
-47.0   54.1 3774 2672 359  7.9   0.8   1.7  1.3   37.60   42.18  0.423E-02 -0.102E+01  0.953E-01 -0.247E-02
-47.0   54.1 3774 3200 359  6.7   0.9   1.4  0.6   28.68   29.47  0.674E-02 -0.165E+01  0.895E-01 -0.278E-01
-47.0   54.1 3774 3728 359  8.4   2.0   2.1  0.1   43.06   49.24  0.243E-02 -0.140E+01  0.516E-01 -0.292E-01

-46.8   53.3 3345 1664 359 11.6   5.0   8.1  2.2   33.61   38.41  0.193E-02  0.148E+01  0.299E-01  0.355E-01
-46.8   53.3 3345 3299 359  7.2   3.4   3.9  0.7   19.20   32.30  0.177E-01  0.104E+02  0.130E+00  0.818E-01

-45.4   48.0 3036 2990 352 11.6   0.0   4.3  1.0   42.28  131.77  0.134E-01 -0.404E+02  0.195E+00 -0.447E+00

Move up one level.