Dates: September 1992 - February 1994
Location: Southwest Pacific
Array: 6 moorings, 26 current records
All flow statistics shown here are record-length averages. The notation m( ) denotes a mean value. s, u, v, and t denote speed, eastward component, northward component, and temperature; these have cgs units. Primed quantities have had record-length means removed. Thus, for example, m(u) is the mean eastward component, and m(u'u') is the mean squared value of u - m(u). wd and md denote water depth and measurement depth, in meters; lth is the length of the longest time series in the record, in days. Entries are ordered by latitude.
lat lon wd md lth m(s) m(u) m(v) m(t) m(u'u') m(v'v') m(t't') m(u'v') m(u't') m(v't') -9.7 -170.5 4343 2990 520 4.4 0.8 -1.1 1.7 9.59 12.20 0.186E-03 -0.566E+00 -0.417E-02 0.547E-03 -9.7 -170.5 4343 3980 520 8.5 -2.4 7.4 1.2 8.37 11.98 0.263E-02 0.158E+01 -0.196E-01 -0.898E-01 -9.7 -170.5 4343 4230 520 7.2 1.8 6.2 1.1 8.41 8.30 0.220E-03 0.679E+00 -0.265E-02 -0.719E-03 -9.8 -170.0 5004 4340 521 9.6 6.4 6.1 1.1 13.79 13.23 0.262E-03 0.142E+01 -0.748E-02 0.262E-02 -9.8 -170.0 5004 4640 521 8.6 5.7 5.0 1.1 12.77 15.16 0.115E-03 0.245E+00 0.216E-02 0.112E-02 -9.8 -170.0 5004 4890 521 7.3 4.7 3.5 1.1 13.75 15.08 0.659E-04 -0.153E+01 0.466E-02 -0.597E-02 -9.9 -169.7 5235 2890 521 4.5 0.3 -0.9 1.7 10.88 12.45 0.261E-03 0.128E+01 -0.126E-02 0.141E-01 -9.9 -169.7 5235 3940 521 4.5 1.7 1.0 1.4 9.62 10.11 0.614E-03 0.131E+01 -0.748E-02 -0.185E-02 -9.9 -169.7 5235 4350 521 9.4 7.7 4.7 1.1 11.45 10.13 0.530E-03 0.397E+01 -0.310E-01 -0.151E-01 -9.9 -169.7 5235 4650 521 12.7 11.9 2.7 1.1 11.44 9.66 0.475E-04 -0.122E+01 -0.294E-02 0.157E-02 -9.9 -169.7 5235 4900 521 10.2 9.8 0.2 1.1 8.81 8.81 0.162E-04 0.207E+01 0.687E-03 0.119E-02 -9.9 -169.7 5235 5103 521 12.9 11.8 4.6 1.1 10.88 6.15 0.104E-04 0.254E+01 -0.549E-03 -0.316E-04 -10.0 -169.5 5285 3970 522 4.7 1.4 -0.6 1.4 11.74 12.08 0.561E-03 0.126E+01 -0.717E-02 0.175E-02 -10.0 -169.5 5285 4300 522 4.6 2.5 1.7 1.2 8.16 8.40 0.475E-03 0.123E+01 0.155E-02 0.397E-03 -10.0 -169.5 5285 4650 523 5.0 3.1 2.6 1.1 7.08 6.61 0.519E-04 0.170E+01 -0.110E-02 -0.170E-05 -10.0 -169.5 5285 4900 523 5.5 3.7 2.5 1.1 9.51 7.50 0.148E-04 0.228E+01 -0.513E-03 -0.811E-03 -10.0 -169.5 5285 5100 523 5.2 3.3 2.4 1.1 8.77 7.34 0.135E-04 0.189E+01 -0.594E-04 -0.417E-03 -10.1 -169.2 5245 3980 523 4.7 0.6 -1.7 1.4 9.88 12.86 0.513E-03 -0.443E+00 -0.924E-02 0.195E-02 -10.1 -169.2 5245 4330 523 4.7 1.8 1.8 1.2 9.24 9.97 0.776E-03 -0.626E+00 -0.100E-01 0.795E-03 -10.1 -169.2 5245 4630 523 3.7 1.8 1.2 1.1 5.78 6.25 0.354E-04 0.413E+00 0.777E-03 0.170E-02 -10.1 -169.2 5245 4880 523 3.9 1.9 1.2 1.1 5.94 7.69 0.164E-04 0.484E+00 -0.324E-03 0.502E-03 -10.1 -169.2 5245 5080 523 4.5 1.8 2.1 1.1 6.24 10.60 0.141E-04 0.881E+00 -0.501E-03 -0.315E-03 -10.2 -168.8 4455 2970 524 4.1 0.6 0.9 1.7 9.09 10.34 0.160E-03 -0.473E-01 -0.608E-02 -0.429E-02 -10.2 -168.8 4455 3940 524 4.6 1.2 0.4 1.4 11.26 11.98 0.181E-03 -0.911E+00 -0.779E-02 0.404E-02 -10.2 -168.8 4455 4160 524 4.2 0.4 0.5 1.3 10.46 10.41 0.678E-03 -0.189E+01 -0.142E-01 0.124E-01 -10.2 -168.8 4455 4360 524 4.0 -0.1 -0.8 1.1 8.02 9.84 0.100E-02 -0.261E+01 -0.121E-01 0.707E-02
Move up one level.