ICM1 (Agulhas Current Experiment)

Dates: March 1995 - April 1996
Location: Southwest Indian Ocean
Array: 5 moorings, 19 instruments

All flow statistics shown here are record-length averages. The notation m( ) denotes a mean value. s, u, v, and t denote speed, eastward component, northward component, and temperature; these have cgs units. Primed quantities have had record-length means removed. Thus, for example, m(u) is the mean eastward component, and m(u'u') is the mean squared value of u - m(u). wd and md denote water depth and measurement depth, in meters; lth is lth is the length of the longest time series in the record, in days. Entries are ordered by latitude. Missing values have been left blank.

 lat    lon   wd   md  lth m(s)  m(u)  m(v) m(t) m(u'u') m(v'v')   m(t't')    m(u'v')    m(u't')    m(v't')

-31.1   30.4 1480  168 384100.9 -59.7 -69.8      1525.53 2251.14             0.169E+04                      
-31.1   30.4 1480  216 384 93.1 -54.4 -64.3      1367.76 1994.43             0.151E+04                      
-31.1   30.4 1480  264 384 86.4 -50.4 -59.0      1228.69 1772.02             0.136E+04                      
-31.1   30.4 1480  312 384 80.2 -46.8 -54.3      1101.98 1573.94             0.121E+04                      
-31.1   30.4 1480  360 384 74.3 -43.6 -49.8      1000.06 1384.06             0.108E+04                      
-31.1   30.4 1480  408 384 68.0 -39.7 -45.1       890.49 1226.92             0.968E+03                      
-31.1   30.4 1480  424 384 65.5 -38.4 -43.3       851.30 1166.27             0.925E+03                      
-31.1   30.4 1480  430  45 58.9 -47.9 -26.9 10.3 1016.55  803.31  0.697E+00  0.574E+03 -0.140E+02 -0.111E+02

-31.2   30.5 2498   56  42 93.9 -51.0 -72.2       714.60 1319.91             0.606E+03                      
-31.2   30.5 2498  104  46 91.2 -52.2 -67.8       703.84 1326.12             0.723E+03                      
-31.2   30.5 2498  152  47 86.9 -49.9 -63.9       676.29 1260.68             0.693E+03                      
-31.2   30.5 2498  200  47 83.1 -47.9 -60.5       643.58 1190.11             0.658E+03                      
-31.2   30.5 2498  248  47 78.2 -45.1 -57.0       553.47 1108.60             0.590E+03                      
-31.2   30.5 2498  296  47 73.8 -42.7 -54.1       492.28  964.98             0.509E+03                      
-31.2   30.5 2498  344  47 69.4 -40.1 -51.3       429.16  859.02             0.456E+03                      
-31.2   30.5 2498  358 270 61.7 -34.3 -45.6 12.2  387.57  635.41  0.939E+00  0.359E+03 -0.117E+02 -0.143E+02
-31.2   30.5 2498  789  96 30.6 -17.1 -22.2  6.6   98.97  231.04  0.901E+00  0.578E+02 -0.355E+01 -0.638E+01
-31.2   30.5 2498 1156 414 14.3  -0.2   1.0  3.7  142.43  136.61  0.780E-01  0.833E+02 -0.604E+00 -0.638E+00
-31.2   30.5 2498 1967 414 12.1   7.2   6.3  2.6   57.23   53.31  0.252E-02  0.381E+02 -0.896E-01 -0.110E+00

-31.3   30.8 2900  375 412 57.1 -33.2 -38.7 11.9  242.00  677.56  0.138E+01 -0.742E+01 -0.348E+01 -0.625E+01
-31.3   30.8 2900  855 412 39.4 -23.1 -26.3  7.2  168.78  332.69  0.876E+00  0.551E+02 -0.425E+01 -0.587E+01
-31.3   30.8 2900 1191 412 24.5 -13.2 -15.5  4.1  123.10  189.83  0.179E+00  0.409E+02 -0.113E+01 -0.188E+01
-31.3   30.8 2900 1955 412 10.0  -4.9  -2.7  2.6   58.11   80.59  0.143E-02  0.133E+02  0.184E-01  0.425E-01

-31.6   31.1 2900  401 414 40.4 -29.4 -23.1 13.5  226.21  302.80  0.155E+01 -0.104E+02  0.953E+01  0.714E+01
-31.6   31.1 2900  804 414 29.5 -20.2 -16.8  8.4  100.22  197.91  0.137E+01 -0.348E+02  0.179E+01 -0.789E-01
-31.6   31.1 2900 1201 414 17.7 -10.7  -9.2  4.7   76.08  105.81  0.335E+00 -0.131E+02  0.289E+00 -0.595E+00
-31.6   31.1 2900 2028 291  8.2  -1.3  -0.1  2.7   46.41   46.20  0.224E-02  0.760E+01  0.320E-01  0.991E-01

-31.9   31.5 3446  365  77 24.5 -15.1 -11.6 14.6  286.26  155.88  0.416E+00 -0.178E+02  0.445E+01  0.332E+01
-31.9   31.5 3446  755 415 18.9 -11.7  -7.0 10.0  109.79  176.57  0.530E+00  0.502E+01  0.215E+01  0.269E+01
-31.9   31.5 3446 1172 415 12.7  -6.9  -4.4  4.8   50.97   88.05  0.327E+00  0.270E+01  0.992E+00  0.429E+00
-31.9   31.5 3446 1982 296  7.3  -1.2  -1.0  2.8   44.34   50.01  0.365E-02  0.381E+01 -0.180E+00 -0.818E-02

Move up one level.