ACM7 (Equatorial Atlantic)

Dates: September 1989 - March 1994
Location: Equatorial Atlantic
Array: 9 moorings, 81 current records

All flow statistics shown here are record-length averages. The notation m( ) denotes a mean value. s, u, v, and t denote speed, eastward component, northward component, and temperature; these have cgs units. Primed quantities have had record-length means removed. Thus, for example, m(u) is the mean eastward component, and m(u'u') is the mean squared value of u - m(u). wd and md denote water depth and measurement depth, in meters; lth is the length of the longest time series in the record, in days. Entries are ordered by latitude. Missing values have been left blank.

These statistics have been computed from filtered data. The diurnal tides and higher frequencies are absent from the data. Please keep this in mind when evaluating these statistics, and particularly when comparing them with statistics from other experiments. Most of the other current meter records on this disk are unfiltered and contain more high-frequency energy than the present dataset.

 lat    lon   wd   md  lth m(s)  m(u)  m(v) m(t) m(u'u') m(v'v')   m(t't')    m(u'v')    m(u't')    m(v't')

  0.1  -44.4  545   50 399116.6 -93.0  70.0       600.10  482.90             -.497E+03                      
  0.1  -44.4  545  100 399103.1 -76.4  69.0       417.77  394.16             -.362E+03                      
  0.1  -44.4  545  150 399 80.9 -63.1  50.4       522.91  410.37             -.437E+03                      
  0.1  -44.4  545  200 399 66.3 -52.4  40.2       361.42  247.00             -.276E+03                      
  0.1  -44.4  545  250 399 57.4 -43.9  36.8       190.85  140.23             -.147E+03                      
  0.1  -44.4  545  300 399 46.3 -34.0  31.4       133.59  104.77             -.110E+03                      

  0.1  -44.4  545   50 331114.5 -90.9  69.0       853.26  644.33             -.676E+03                      
  0.1  -44.4  545  100 331101.6 -76.9  64.9       616.08  595.30             -.529E+03                      
  0.1  -44.4  545  150 331 78.8 -62.4  47.4       559.03  424.18             -.432E+03                      
  0.1  -44.4  545  200 331 65.6 -52.7  38.7       319.04  180.72             -.208E+03                      
  0.1  -44.4  545  250 331 56.6 -44.3  35.0       181.04  120.76             -.131E+03                      
  0.1  -44.4  545  368 331 33.6 -23.2  22.6 15.2  192.61  165.00  0.952E+00  -.176E+03  0.215E+01  -.137E+01

  0.2  -44.3 2885   49 273102.0 -99.6  19.9       239.39  134.77             -.139E+03                      
  0.2  -44.3 2885  100 273104.2 -93.7  43.4       290.66  258.36             -.102E+03                      
  0.2  -44.3 2885  150 273 82.1 -76.9  25.9       757.86  388.28             -.449E+03                      
  0.2  -44.3 2885  199 273 70.2 -67.1  18.5       374.94  143.11             -.178E+03                      
  0.2  -44.3 2885  450 404 26.0 -19.6  14.1  7.4  156.54  123.28  0.299E+00  -.111E+03  0.116E+01  -.587E+00
  0.2  -44.3 2885  700 420 20.3 -13.1   9.9  5.1  155.19   99.79  0.636E-01  -.109E+03  0.134E+01  -.837E+00
  0.2  -44.3 2885  947 493 25.7  11.4  -4.6  4.4  415.93  250.67  0.160E-02  -.298E+03  0.370E+00  -.326E+00
  0.2  -44.3 2885 1500 381 20.8  13.2  -9.8  4.4  261.96  101.37  0.435E-02  -.148E+03  0.101E+00  -.543E-01
  0.2  -44.3 2885 1786 317 40.4  33.4 -22.2  3.9  179.74   71.26  0.108E-01             -.749E+00  0.436E+00
  0.2  -44.3 2885 2100 418 37.7  33.1 -17.6  3.6  211.27   48.89  0.833E-02  -.924E+02  -.645E+00  0.229E+00
  0.2  -44.3 2885 2503 494  3.6   2.8  -1.8  3.0    3.11    1.14  0.519E-02  -.161E+01  -.508E-01  0.230E-01

  0.4  -44.3 3340   50 331 91.7 -72.6  54.5       350.97  449.42             -.262E+03                      
  0.4  -44.3 3340  100 331 90.2 -65.5  59.1       292.08  693.33             -.242E+03                      
  0.4  -44.3 3340  150 331 70.1 -52.0  43.8       234.11  733.06             -.263E+03                      
  0.4  -44.3 3340  200 331 57.4 -43.3  35.5       204.47  390.27             -.177E+03                      
  0.4  -44.3 3340  250 331 45.7 -35.5  26.6       167.82  230.38             -.994E+02                      
  0.4  -44.3 3340  300 331 38.1 -28.7  22.7       113.69  204.24             -.892E+02                      
  0.4  -44.3 3340  305 331 32.6 -24.1  19.0       163.58  212.50             -.126E+03                      
  0.4  -44.3 3340  847 331 16.6  -3.4   3.1       200.21  128.09             -.896E+02                      
  0.4  -44.3 3340 1440 330 32.6  28.6 -12.9  4.2  256.91   66.35  0.117E-01  -.723E+02  -.251E-01  -.242E+00
  0.4  -44.3 3340 1745 330 27.4  19.4 -11.6  3.8  344.75  145.73  0.891E-02  -.165E+03  -.124E+01  0.636E+00
  0.4  -44.3 3340 2042 331 24.9  20.4 -13.0  2.9  112.05   35.27  0.989E-02  -.371E+02  -.535E+00  0.179E+00
  0.4  -44.3 3340 2637 331 15.6  11.3  -8.9  2.7  110.63   28.41  0.256E-02  -.370E+02  -.229E+00  0.975E-01
  0.4  -44.3 3340 3235 331  4.2   3.5  -1.7  2.2    8.73    3.15  0.242E-02  -.346E+01  0.542E-02  0.356E-02

  0.6  -44.2 3660   49 493 85.5 -50.8  67.4       162.37  547.60             -.120E+03                      
  0.6  -44.2 3660  100 493 86.2 -37.3  74.8       223.09  795.79             -.776E+01                      
  0.6  -44.2 3660  150 493 63.7 -30.6  51.5       160.67 1038.15             -.778E+02                      
  0.6  -44.2 3660  199 493 57.1 -25.4  48.4       108.40  776.83             -.850E+02                      
  0.6  -44.2 3660  440 493 14.9  -9.0   4.1  7.3   87.79  117.00  0.147E+00  -.298E+02  -.170E+00  0.271E+00
  0.6  -44.2 3660  690 493  3.1  -2.1   0.7         4.15    1.25             -.770E+00                      
  0.6  -44.2 3660  957 389 18.4  -8.6   7.4  4.6  130.35  129.55  0.618E-02  -.197E+01  0.397E+00  -.239E+00
  0.6  -44.2 3660 1490 348 11.1   3.0  -4.6  4.3   87.32   49.40  0.301E-02  -.321E+02  0.346E-01  -.215E-01
  0.6  -44.2 3660 1787 362 19.4  16.6  -8.9  3.8   70.41   23.50  0.620E-02  -.209E+02  -.120E-01  -.808E-01
  0.6  -44.2 3660 2084 492 11.2  10.6  -3.1  3.4   46.60    3.84  0.382E-02  -.116E+02  -.402E-01  0.734E-03
  0.6  -44.2 3660 2482 323  4.9   1.5   -.2  3.0   17.38   22.46  0.190E-02  0.198E+00  -.212E-01  -.396E-01
  0.6  -44.2 3660 2981 493  1.6   -.8   -.2  2.3    0.92    1.40  0.585E-02  0.588E+00  -.155E-01  -.766E-02

  0.8  -44.1 3989   72 213 66.1 -45.3  43.9 21.3  153.20  609.41  0.607E+01  -.477E+02  0.430E+01  0.469E-02
  0.8  -44.1 3989  246 167 25.9 -15.8   8.7 10.6  293.11  207.63  0.640E+00  0.141E+02  0.563E+01  0.135E+00
  0.8  -44.1 3989  824 242 15.6  -5.1  12.8  4.6   18.87  113.20  0.119E-01  -.331E+02  0.157E+00  -.559E+00
  0.8  -44.1 3989 1990 401  7.2   3.5  -2.6  3.2   43.65   12.53  0.373E-02  0.325E+01  -.685E-01  -.186E-01
  0.8  -44.1 3989 2588 401  6.0   1.6   0.3  2.6   37.85   12.16  0.119E-02  -.451E+00  0.288E-01  -.114E-01
  0.8  -44.1 3989 3695 400  3.7  -1.2   0.1  1.7   15.54    8.68  0.138E-02  -.732E+01  -.200E-01  0.951E-02

  1.2  -44.0 4110   49 494 46.7 -39.4  19.2       299.93  278.39             -.423E+02                      
  1.2  -44.0 4110  100 494 44.8 -27.1  27.2       256.66  779.76             -.251E+03                      
  1.2  -44.0 4110  150 494 36.9 -20.5  12.9       338.32  828.67             -.226E+03                      
  1.2  -44.0 4110  199 494 35.6 -16.3  15.7       294.36  722.50             -.872E+02                      
  1.2  -44.0 4110  430 479 13.4   -.8  -3.3  7.6  124.97  108.66  0.219E+00  0.170E+02  0.798E+00  0.318E+00
  1.2  -44.0 4110  687 401 18.7  -5.2   1.4  5.2  298.28   75.38  0.497E-01  0.314E+02  0.302E+01  -.984E-01
  1.2  -44.0 4110 1483 406 10.9  -4.5   0.2  4.2   49.89   91.80  0.343E-02  -.120E+02  -.987E-01  -.388E-01
  1.2  -44.0 4110 1785 177  2.5  -1.4   1.1  3.9    0.97    2.22  0.883E-02  -.200E+00  0.207E-01  0.536E-01
  1.2  -44.0 4110 2985 491  6.8   -.1   0.7  2.6   41.51   28.87  0.224E-02  0.163E+01  -.765E-01  -.719E-01
  1.2  -44.0 4110 3785 491  8.4   1.2  -6.1  2.3   14.48   55.79  0.794E-03  -.135E+02  -.151E-01  0.310E-01
  1.2  -44.0 4110 4035 491  5.7   1.1  -3.3  2.2    6.45   33.89  0.179E-02  -.151E+01  -.208E-01  0.424E-01

  1.5  -44.0 4108   50 331 38.5 -21.4   9.1       894.92  521.14             -.186E+03                      
  1.5  -44.0 4108  100 331 37.3 -11.4   9.3       414.33 1361.44             -.280E+03                      
  1.5  -44.0 4108  150 331 33.1 -11.1  12.3       279.17  856.62             0.895E+02                      
  1.5  -44.0 4108  200 331 26.3  -9.6  10.9       293.96  379.95             0.711E+01                      
  1.5  -44.0 4108  250 331 19.8  -6.8   0.0       224.34  220.44             0.496E+02                      
  1.5  -44.0 4108  300 331 17.7  -3.4  -3.2       227.33  134.71             0.200E+02                      
  1.5  -44.0 4108  350 331 14.8   -.4  -5.0       165.36   70.30             0.176E+02                      
  1.5  -44.0 4108  830 331 17.9   4.7  -2.5  4.7  197.03  160.14  0.185E-01  0.662E+02  -.322E-02  -.412E+00
  1.5  -44.0 4108 2020 330 10.4  -6.2   4.6  3.3   38.10   44.66  0.163E-01  -.124E+02  -.149E-01  -.113E+00
  1.5  -44.0 4108 2814 331  3.2  -1.3   1.0  2.6    3.37    6.51  0.864E-03  0.124E+00  0.395E-02  0.275E-01
  1.5  -44.0 4108 3409 331 12.8   8.9  -7.1  1.8   53.04   54.51  0.997E-02  -.418E+02  -.586E-02  0.539E-02
  1.5  -44.0 4108 3704 273 16.8  13.5  -8.9  2.3   55.73   45.77  0.395E-02  -.378E+02  -.191E+00  0.221E+00

  2.5  -44.0 4191  781 212 24.8  11.7  -5.0  4.6  119.75  448.36  0.848E-02  0.595E+02  -.284E+00  0.304E+00
  2.5  -44.0 4191 1369 161 11.1   2.5   0.9  4.3   55.99   90.03  0.615E-02  0.554E+01  0.175E+00  -.241E+00
  2.5  -44.0 4191 3486 398  5.9  -1.0   2.8         4.24   32.05             -.869E+01                      
  2.5  -44.0 4191 3991 150  6.8   -.7   1.7  1.5   20.88   32.01  0.212E-02  -.149E+02  0.239E-01  0.191E-02

Move up one level.