Dates: February 1992 - October 1993
Location: Northwest (subtropical) Atlantic
Array: 5 moorings, 39 records
All flow statistics shown here are record-length averages. The notation m( ) denotes a mean value. s, u, v, and t denote speed, eastward component, northward component, and temperature; these have cgs units. Primed quantities have had record-length means removed. Thus, for example, m(u) is the mean eastward component, and m(u'u') is the mean squared value of u - m(u). wd and md denote water depth and measurement depth, in meters; lth is the length of the longest time series in the record, in days. Moorings are ordered by longitude. Missing values have been left blank.
All of these values were computed from filtered data. The diurnal tides and higher frequencies were not present in the time series. Thus these values may not be comparable with statistics that appear elsewhere on this disk, most of which were derived from unfiltered data.
lat lon wd md lth m(s) m(u) m(v) m(t) m(u'u') m(v'v') m(t't') m(u'v') m(u't') m(v't') 26.5 -76.8 824 70 418 28.2 6.4 -0.7 24.7 153.35 949.37 0.227E+01 -0.943E+02 0.379E+01 -0.699E+01 26.5 -76.8 824 370 595 70.2 13.0 60.7 17.7 203.71 2252.71 0.113E+00 0.473E+03 -0.441E+00 0.221E+01 26.5 -76.8 824 770 595 11.9 2.0 -5.4 8.9 23.40 151.84 0.455E+00 -0.282E+02 0.172E+00 0.679E-01 26.5 -76.5 4849 100 45 30.9 -0.1 -21.6 22.7 474.10 188.62 0.252E+00 0.571E+02 0.325E+01 0.327E+01 26.5 -76.5 4849 200 133 18.9 0.242E+00 26.5 -76.5 4849 400 599 19.5 0.0 13.2 17.5 157.96 202.86 0.550E+00 -0.475E+02 -0.221E+00 0.130E+01 26.5 -76.5 4849 800 599 9.9 -7.7 2.9 9.1 11.29 34.16 0.641E+00 -0.923E+01 0.105E+01 0.957E-01 26.5 -76.5 4849 1200 599 10.4 -1.0 -1.0 4.8 48.63 90.87 0.485E-01 0.149E+02 -0.478E+00 -0.364E+00 26.5 -76.5 4849 2000 599 14.9 -1.2 -0.2 3.6 116.26 189.99 0.409E-02 0.316E+02 -0.296E-01 -0.216E-01 26.5 -76.5 4849 3000 599 11.9 -0.6 2.2 3.0 69.15 119.31 0.881E-02 0.377E+02 0.194E+00 0.227E+00 26.5 -76.5 4849 4000 599 11.8 0.3 1.7 2.4 62.55 117.45 0.111E-02 0.485E+02 0.884E-01 0.675E-01 26.5 -76.5 4849 4840 593 2.3 0.636E-03 26.5 -75.7 4685 100 431 25.7 7.8 13.2 21.5 301.70 348.13 0.151E+01 0.103E+03 0.305E+01 0.201E+01 26.5 -75.7 4685 200 599 18.6 0.397E+00 26.5 -75.7 4685 400 290 23.7 -21.9 7.2 17.4 47.41 21.97 0.927E+00 0.101E+02 0.356E+00 -0.343E+00 26.5 -75.7 4685 800 435 12.3 3.3 -1.4 9.2 102.79 84.83 0.139E+01 0.396E+01 -0.554E+01 0.252E+01 26.5 -75.7 4685 1200 599 14.1 2.8 -8.5 5.0 117.21 70.52 0.104E+00 -0.818E+01 -0.160E+01 0.111E+01 26.5 -75.7 4685 2000 599 19.3 3.2 -11.4 201.32 129.10 -0.562E+00 26.5 -75.7 4685 3000 266 21.0 -0.7 -12.2 2.7 241.41 119.82 0.472E-02 -0.122E+02 0.244E+00 0.819E-01 26.5 -75.7 4685 4000 599 18.5 2.5 -8.9 2.3 195.97 126.34 0.676E-03 -0.207E+02 0.300E-01 0.294E-02 26.5 -75.7 4685 4680 594 2.2 0.883E-03 26.5 -73.8 5050 100 600 22.0 -2.3 2.5 21.0 347.83 324.61 0.982E+00 0.502E+02 0.800E+01 -0.153E+01 26.5 -73.8 5050 200 600 18.6 0.144E+00 26.5 -73.8 5050 400 390 3.9 1.8 -2.6 17.0 5.08 3.46 0.644E+00 0.790E+00 0.832E-01 0.719E-01 26.5 -73.8 5050 800 600 9.3 0.855E+00 26.5 -73.8 5050 1200 600 12.3 -0.2 5.2 5.1 99.84 64.32 0.705E-01 0.315E+02 -0.385E+00 -0.719E+00 26.5 -73.8 5050 2000 600 8.3 0.8 3.0 3.6 50.83 39.19 0.913E-02 0.163E+02 0.124E+00 -0.747E-01 26.5 -73.8 5050 3000 600 5.9 1.9 1.5 2.7 30.10 16.93 0.490E-02 0.145E+02 -0.266E-01 -0.851E-01 26.5 -73.8 5050 4000 600 6.1 0.9 -0.9 2.3 40.02 16.92 0.219E-03 0.172E+02 -0.167E-01 -0.166E-01 26.5 -73.8 5050 5045 595 2.2 0.196E-02 26.5 -71.2 5488 100 376 17.2 -6.3 -1.2 21.9 131.60 287.40 0.759E+00 -0.309E+02 0.138E+00 -0.204E+01 26.5 -71.2 5488 200 602 18.8 0.570E-01 26.5 -71.2 5488 400 601 10.3 -3.9 -3.5 17.7 24.58 74.35 0.120E+00 -0.299E+02 0.380E+00 -0.147E+01 26.5 -71.2 5488 800 602 5.9 -2.5 0.5 10.2 12.27 25.60 0.436E+00 -0.228E+01 -0.828E+00 -0.287E+00 26.5 -71.2 5488 1200 601 6.5 -1.9 0.5 5.5 25.49 28.69 0.297E-01 0.686E+01 -0.166E+00 -0.131E+00 26.5 -71.2 5488 2000 601 5.0 -0.7 0.0 3.7 11.23 19.73 0.393E-02 0.424E+01 0.188E-01 0.382E-01 26.5 -71.2 5488 3000 602 4.8 0.5 0.6 2.7 13.60 15.46 0.141E-02 0.480E+01 0.433E-01 0.253E-01 26.5 -71.2 5488 4000 602 5.5 0.3 1.2 2.3 18.25 19.47 0.223E-03 0.666E+01 0.106E-01 0.417E-02 26.5 -71.2 5488 5483 598 2.1 0.836E-03
Move up one level.