Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2409

Experiment name:        SCM9 (SWINDEX)
Principal Investigator: R.Pollard
PI's affiliation:       Southampton Oceanog Ctr
Mooring Name:           Mooring D
Mooring position:       44.557 deg S,   41.320 deg E
Instrument depth:       335 meters
Seafloor depth:         2710 meters
Times:                  starts 06 Apr 1993, ends 23 Jan 1995
Time increment:         180 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.20     8.65    31.66     4.58    657.1
dir (deg true)      0.10   187.43   359.83   105.28    657.1
u (cm/sec)        -28.67    -0.90    31.26     7.21    657.1
v (cm/sec)        -24.94     0.50    27.84     6.53    657.1
temp (deg C)        3.57     4.54     5.33     0.21    381.3
pressure (db)     289.83   291.40   298.09     0.98    657.1

u and v in this record contain a long gap in lines 4463 through
4606 (0630 16 Oct 94 through 0330 3 Nov 94). In the remainder
of the record, from the long gap to the end of the file, there
are many very short one-and-two-point gaps in u and v. CMDAC
has prepared an alternate version of the file in which the short
gaps have been filled by linear interpolation. Both the original
and the alternate versions of the record are available on this

The temperature series ends early, at line 3050 (1530 22 Apr 94). 

The pressures recorded by this instrument correspond to a somewhat
shallower depth than the stated 335 m. 

Move up one level.