Metadata from CMDAC Accession 1348

Experiment name:        SCM7
Principal Investigator: E.Fahrbach
PI's affiliation:       Alfred Wegener Inst.
Mooring Name:           AWI205
Mooring position:       70.710 deg S,   12.358 deg W
Instrument depth:       1550 meters
Seafloor depth:         2123 meters
Times:                  starts 22 Feb 1989, ends 29 Dec 1989
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.00     3.45    13.35     2.60    289.8
dir (deg true)      0.20   186.96   359.80    64.71    310.0
u (cm/sec)         -9.94    -0.63    12.97     3.23    289.8
v (cm/sec)        -11.18    -1.79     9.77     2.15    289.8
temp (deg C)        0.10     0.22     0.34     0.03    310.0

The first 8 days of the speed record (and hence of u and v)
were unusable and have not been included here. The first good
speed, u, and v are at line 187 (0600 2 Mar 89). Likewise, speed,
u, and v end early at line 7141 (0000 17 Dec 89). Direction
is good throughout.

Move up one level.