Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2559

Experiment name:        SCM6 (ADOX)
Principal Investigator: R.Dickson
PI's affiliation:       CEFAS
Mooring Name:           9311
Mooring position:       47.755 deg S,   58.047 deg E
Instrument depth:       2063 meters
Seafloor depth:         4230 meters
Times:                  starts 06 Mar 1993, ends 21 Mar 1994
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM7

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.39     5.67    25.59     4.03    379.8
dir (deg true)      0.00   158.78   359.83    81.66    379.8
u (cm/sec)        -20.95     1.20    17.44     4.61    379.8
v (cm/sec)        -24.31    -2.18    12.16     4.57    379.8
temp (deg C)        1.75     1.96     2.05     0.04    379.8

CEFAS's comment about this record's speed series:

   This is believed to be a good record, although 25% of all
   recorded speeds are at meter threshold. These are present
   throughout the series but are especially frequent during
   the following two periods:

    0330 22 Apr 93 - 2130 03 May 93 (records 1115 to 1397)
    1739 06 Mar 94 - 1039 21 Mar 94 (records 8761 to 9114)

   However, these times coincide with "quiet" periods in the
   series from the meter situated 103 m below; it may be that
   the threshold speed of the rotor on this meter is greater
   than normal and certainly more than that suggested by the

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