Metadata from CMDAC Accession 4410

Experiment name:        SCM3 (SAFDE)
Principal Investigator: S.Rintoul
PI's affiliation:       CSIRO Marine Research
Mooring Name:           North
Mooring position:       50.420 deg S,  143.525 deg E
Instrument depth:       300 meters
Seafloor depth:         3492 meters
Times:                  starts 24 Mar 1995, ends 12 Mar 1997
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM5

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

dir (deg true)      0.00    58.52   358.96    61.60    719.4
temp (deg C)        3.52     7.51     9.44     1.19    719.4
pressure (db)     256.20   309.84   563.60    67.22    719.4

This instrument's speed sensor failed. However, the record does
contain direction, which remains in a very narrow range - mostly
within a few degrees of 50 degrees with occasional segments near
0 degrees. These directions are not unlike those from the same
location and depth during an earlier deployment; probably they
are good. 

Move up one level.