Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2435

Experiment name:        SCM3 (AUSSAF)
Principal Investigator: S.Rintoul
PI's affiliation:       CSIRO Marine Research
Mooring Name:           West
Mooring position:       50.553 deg S,  142.708 deg E
Instrument depth:       1000 meters
Seafloor depth:         3770 meters
Times:                  starts 16 Mar 1993, ends 10 Apr 1994
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM8

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.10    17.88    40.60     8.59    390.3
dir (deg true)      0.00   113.87   359.00    68.82    390.3
u (cm/sec)        -24.39    11.24    36.25     9.12    390.3
v (cm/sec)        -38.01    -1.18    39.98    13.52    390.3
temp (deg C)        2.59     3.80     5.44     0.73    390.3
pressure (db)    1050.20  1098.28  1225.80    42.16    145.0

This record's pressure series ends early, at line 1740 (2359
7 Aug 93). The minimum recorded pressure corresponds to a depth
about 40 m deeper than the given depth. 

The file contains several gaps:

   lines 3055 - 3230 (1359 25 Nov 93 - 0359 10 Dec 93) speed & direction
   lines 3507 - 3515 (0559 02 Jan 94 - 2159 02 Jan 94) speed & direction
   lines 3600 - 3823 (2359 09 Jan 94 - 1359 28 Jan 94) speed only
   lines 3913 - 4003 (0159 04 Feb 94 - 1359 12 Feb 94) speed only

CMDAC has prepared an alternate version of the file in which
the shortest of the gaps (lines 3507 - 3515) has been bridged
by predictive interpolation.  Both versions are available on
this disk. 

Move up one level.