Metadata from CMDAC Accession 4168

Experiment name:        SCM2
Principal Investigator: E.Fahrbach
PI's affiliation:       Alfred Wegener Inst.
Mooring Name:           AWI228-1
Mooring position:       57.000 deg S,    0.003 deg E
Instrument depth:       3827 meters
Seafloor depth:         3900 meters
Times:                  starts 13 Apr 1996, ends 13 May 1998
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Falmouth 3D-ACM

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.06     5.97    36.98     3.75    759.5
dir (deg true)      0.00   189.15   359.80    59.53    759.5
u (cm/sec)        -21.44    -1.50    11.13     3.92    759.5
v (cm/sec)        -31.39    -4.09    12.00     3.93    759.5
w (cm/sec)         -8.21    -0.14     4.94     1.55    759.5
temp (deg C)       -0.51    -0.34    -0.23     0.05    759.5
pressure (db)    3796.70  3819.97  3829.60     7.54    372.1
salinity (psu)     34.65    34.65    34.66     0.00    371.8

Pressure and salinity end about halfway through the record:

   pressure at line 8930 (1900 20 Apr 97)
   salinity at line 8924 (1300 20 Apr 97)

Vertical velocity contains a gap in lines 17441 - 17922
(1000 10 Apr 98 - 1100 30 Apr 98).

Finally, in the original version of this file (the file that
CMDAC obtained from AWI) CMDAC found two episodes of unrealistic
linear interpolations in speed and direction near the end of
the record. Our judgement is that these interpolations are not
useful and we have removed them, leaving gaps. Thus in the present
file speed and direction contain two gaps:

   lines 17444 - 17755 (1300 10 Apr 98 - 1200 23 Apr 98)
   lines 17883 - 17911 (2000 28 Apr 98 - 1100 30 Apr 98)

Move up one level.