Metadata from CMDAC Accession 4265

Experiment name:        SCM2
Principal Investigator: E.Fahrbach
PI's affiliation:       Alfred Wegener Inst.
Mooring Name:           AWI229-2
Mooring position:       63.978 deg S,    0.038 deg E
Instrument depth:       196 meters
Seafloor depth:         5200 meters
Times:                  starts 05 May 1998, ends 04 Mar 1999
Time increment:         120 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa RCM

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      0.71     8.78    29.06     5.60    302.5
dir (deg true)      0.50   204.16   359.90    78.57    302.5
u (cm/sec)        -25.38    -3.82    16.52     6.06    302.5
v (cm/sec)        -28.42    -3.47    17.34     6.71    302.5
temp (deg C)       -1.80     0.73     1.30     0.66    302.5
pressure (db)     191.30   200.30   336.40    15.82    302.5

Speed contains two gaps (on 30 Nov 98 and 6 Jan 99) caused by
rotorcounter failures. CMDAC has prepared an alternate file in
which the failures have been replaced by predictive interpolations.
Neither version of the file is available on this disk. These data
may be released to the public domain at some point in the future.

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