Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2094

Experiment name:        PCM3
Principal Investigator: J.Church
PI's affiliation:       CSIRO
Mooring Name:           Tas925
Mooring position:       30.133 deg S,  153.965 deg E
Instrument depth:       600 meters
Seafloor depth:         4435 meters
Times:                  starts 27 Sep 1992, ends 26 Oct 1993
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa Meter RCM5

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.49    20.20    58.90     8.89    393.9
dir (deg true)      0.06   205.41   359.03    78.76    393.9
u (cm/sec)        -50.41   -10.56    41.37    15.66    393.9
v (cm/sec)        -31.58    -5.03    43.62    10.25    393.9
temp (deg C)        1.57     5.75     8.10     1.32    393.9
pressure (db)     686.00   914.17  2547.00   288.44    393.9

The minimum pressure recorded by this instrument corresponds
to a depth of about 680m, rather than the given depth of 600m.
Be aware that this mooring experienced a great deal of blowover:
this current meter's maximum depth was about 2510m.

The speed series contains a short gap in lines 8803 - 8825 (0200
29 Sep 93 - 0000 30 Sep 93).

CMDAC has prepared an alternate version of this file in which
the speed gap mentioned above has been bridged with a predictive
interpolation. Both the original and alternate versions of the
file are available on this disk.

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