Metadata from CMDAC Accession 2091

Experiment name:        PCM3
Principal Investigator: J.Church
PI's affiliation:       CSIRO
Mooring Name:           Tas924
Mooring position:       30.118 deg S,  153.647 deg E
Instrument depth:       650 meters
Seafloor depth:         2050 meters
Times:                  starts 27 Sep 1992, ends 03 Nov 1993
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        Aanderaa Meter RCM5

  parameter         min     mean      max       sd     days

speed (cm/sec)      1.49    11.74    54.60     8.70    401.1
dir (deg true)      0.00   181.13   359.14    95.22    401.1
u (cm/sec)        -49.88    -3.45    26.02    11.55    401.1
v (cm/sec)        -42.00    -1.71    30.87     8.12    401.1
temp (deg C)        5.41     6.68     8.47     0.39    401.1
pressure (db)     790.00   832.04   951.00    12.87    401.1

The minimum pressure recorded by this instrument corresponds
to a depth of about 780m, rather than the given depth of 650m.
Note that the pressure record from Accession 2093, which is
from a current meter that was on the same mooring, also indicates
that the depth was greater than the given depth - by about the
same amount.

The speed series contains a short gap in lines 105 - 114 (0700
2 Oct 92 - 1600 2 Oct 92).

Direction contains a gap in lines 9058 - 9112 (0800 10 Oct 93
- 1400 12 Oct 93). A few days beyond the gap, during 14 and
15 Oct 93, there are a number of obviously bad directions.

CMDAC has prepared an alternate version of this file in which
the speed and direction gaps described above have been replaced
by predictive interpolations. The 11 bad directions on 14 and
15 Oct 93 have been replaced by linear interpolations in the
alternate file. Both the original and alternate versions of the
file are available on this disk.

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